Answers To Your 4 Most Pressing Bail Bond-Related Questions


If this is your first time needing to bail someone out of jail, we’re sure you have a lot of questions for us, Echo Park Bail Bond Store, about what to expect, how the process is, and your money. To get started, we’ve picked out the most common questions we receive, and here some answers to those question in order to help debunk some common myths you might have read up on regarding the bail bonds process:

  1. Can my bail agent negotiate the bail price lower?
  2. No bail agent, from Echo Park Bail Bond Store or any other bail company, is able to negotiate the bail price with the court. The only person who can adjust this is the judge. The judge sets bail according to rules laid by the court. Some contributing factors include the seriousness of the crime and whether or not the defendant has a prior criminal record.

  3. What forms of payment is acceptable for a bail bond?
  4. Echo Park Bail Bond Store accepts not only cash, but credit and debit, checks as well. Collateral is also an acceptable form of payment if the terms are accurate. These different forms of payment options make paying for bail a little easier for many people.

  5. Is what I pay the bail bond company refundable?
  6. No. The 10-15% of the bail bond you pay to any bail bond company is not refundable. It’s essentially the fee the bail bond company charges for using their bail bond services.

  7. Do I need to come up with the whole payment before my loved one can get out of jail?
  8. No, and that’s one of the best things about bail bonds. If someone were to bail out of jail by paying court directly (instead of going with a bail bond company), then yes, he or she would need to come up with their entire payment before they are released. But if you use a bail bond, payments are scheduled out on a payment plan that is completed after the defendant is released.

Hopefully this is a good start for you in understanding how bail and bail bonds work. You probably still have some outstanding questions so we welcome you to contact us to get them answered! We’re more than happy to provide you with all the information you need before committing to a bail bond from Echo Park Bail Bond Store.

Consultations are always free and we want to make sure you’re well-informed so contact Echo Park Bail Bond Store today!

Please visit us at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store or call us at 323-282-2157.