No One Does Bail As Successfully As Los Angeles

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The easiest and fastest way to bail is through Los Angeles Bail Bond Store. Our family-owned company has been in the business for over 27 years and we continue to meet new clients who have been recommended to us by their peers who were once in that same stressful position. Because of our excellent customer service and care, we have met and exceeded every one of our clients needs with ease.

We will do all the confusing work for you while also keeping you up to speed with what to expect. We just need to know who we’re bailing, and the county they are jailed in. We’ll search for and call up the jail so you don’t have to – that is a painful call and we don’t want you do go through that. Then we’ll formulate an affordable payment plan (zero interest, zero down, no hidden fees!) and once that is figured out we can finalize the paperwork and send it off! Your loved one will be home with you as soon as the jail gets it processed.

Our process can be done over the phone so no one has to wait extra time in jail, or extra time driving to meet up to do the paperwork. Time is truly of the essence and we want to work as fast as possible too.

Learn more about our services at, or call us at 323-282-2157! One of our friendly representatives and agents will be happy to take your call and discuss everything you want and need to know.