Reliable Los Angeles County Bail Bond Store – Ask Yourself These Questions Before Co-signing A Bail Bond

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

  • Do I trust the arrested person enough to appear in court when he or she is asked, as well as oblige by any other court-mandated terms?
  • Do I have enough collateral I would be willing and can afford to put up?
  • Can I make do if the arrested person does not go to court?
  • Do I have enough funds to pay the premium?
  • Do I have enough to pay the rest of the bail amount if I have to?
  • Do I have the emotional and mental capacity to take on this responsibility?
  • Do I have the time to keep tabs on the arrested person?
  • How might my relationship with this person change if I said no to co-signing the bail bond?

Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility and we understand that some people do not want to or cannot take on this challenge. Feel free to call us, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, at 323-282-2157 to discuss your options and what it takes to be a bail bond co-signer.